Time to catch up on some DITA-related news items, all having to do with upcoming DITA-related webinars:
Content Management Trends: Understanding DITA
Date: August 14th at 1PM-2PM EDT
Speakers: Dan Taylor, Paul Wlodarczyk and Kris Eberlein
More companies are utilizing DITA standards to represent reusable content components. A component content model enables companies to efficiently address multi-channel publishing, precision search, and multi-lingual content distribution. This webinar provides an introduction to how businesses get value from DITA solutions. It also covers the important role taxonomy and metadata have in a DITA implementation. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from DITA experts, including Kris Eberlein, Co-chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee, and Paul Wlodarczyk, a leading content management strategist.
For more information, go to the registration page.
Simplifying the Migration Equation: Tips and Tricks for Using XMetaL to MIgrate Content In-House
Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Time: 10AM PST | 1PM EDT
Speaker: Tom Magliery, XML Technology Specialist with JustSystems
This webinar is about how XMetaL Author can help you with migrating content from unstructured formats (Microsoft Word or Adobe FrameMaker) to structured (DITA or other XML types).
There’s no denying it: This task is a pain. If the job is small enough, it can be cost-effective to do it by hand with your existing tools. If it’s large, you may need to dedicate significant internal resources, or find and manage additional cheap labor, hire specialized consultants or vendors, or any combination of these.
The challenging question is: where is the dividing line between “small” and “large”? The answer: it’s not a line, but more of a blur. And yours is different from everyone else’s.
Our objective today is to show you some ways that you can at least push that line (blur) over sideways a bit. By taking better advantage of some “power user” abilities of XMetaL, you can make it worthwhile to do more of the conversion in-house, thus lowering your cost on the more expensive alternatives.
For more information, please see this registration link.
Crossing Boundaries: A 5-part Content Strategy Series
This is not necessarily DITA-related, but looks to be an interesting series of webinars hosted by Adobe and presented by Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo on content strategy/technical writing trends in general.
Their 5-part series of webinars examines five important phenomena affecting the content industries going forward. They describe this as a “thought leader” series, not a string of product demonstration. They will offer a look at where our industries are going and how we can adapt to those trends:
- Session 1) Transcending space: Ubiquitous knowledge (July 17th) (hopefully a recording of this will be posted soon)
- Session 2) Links, dynamic data, multimedia and multiple versions (September 19th)
- Session 3) Consumers become producers (October 17th)
- Session 4) Your Most Important Stakeholder: Your customers (November 20th)
- Session 5) The End of the Job Ethos: Blending professional and private activity (December 12th)
For more information and registration info, go to this page.