Update: Both presentations are now available on SlideShare: DITA and Information Architecture for Responsive Design The State of DITA 2014 (or the original Prezi-based version As of yesterday I now have a couple of talks lined up for the upcoming DITA North America/Content Management Strategies Conference happening next week in Seattle. I hope to seeRead More
Interview with Jan Benedictus of FontoXML
As part of an ongoing effort to put a human face to those building (and using!) the DITA tools out there, this is another in an ongoing series of interviews with the people who are passionate about what they are doing to help make technical documentation easier to create and better to use. As aRead More
DITA 1.3 and Improved Table Accessibility for Screen Readers
Other intriguing tidbits are emerging about what to expect in DITA 1.3. There’s very little information that is definite for those who do not have membership in OASIS, but interestingly the development milestone website is publicly accessible, though most of the more detailed information it references can only be found within password-protected sections held withinRead More
DITA-related Software Tools
This is a list of the “other” tools that are not DITA-optimized XML editors, or DITA-capable Component Content Management Systems (CCMSes), or DITA Platforms (coming soon). It’s a motley collection of tools, many of them customized specifically for use with DITA.All prices are in $US except where noted. Prices listed are current as of November 29,Read More
DITA 1.3 Troubleshooting Topic Type Feature in oXygen 15.2
Just over a week ago the people at Syncro Soft updated their oXygen XML Editor to version 15.2. What just caught my eye is the fact that there is already a DITA 1.3-specific feature added to the software, in anticipation of its release. Yup, DITA 1.3. Just when you think you’ve got your head aroundRead More
Selling More Software to DITA Users Using One Magic Ingredient: Relevant Content!
DITA software vendors: stop making it a chore for prospective buyers to find out how your product will help them author DITA content. You’d think that this would be self-evident, but as I work on compiling a list of DITA-optimized editors and Content Management Systems I am continually amazed at how hard some vendors makeRead More
DITA-OT 2 Milestone Build 1 Now Available
Here’s something that seems have slipped under most people’s radar: a preliminary 2.0 release of the DITA Toolkit. Called a “milestone” build, this version of the DITA is the first reveal of what looks like a significant code revamp, at least when it comes to XSL processing, moving to the XSL 2.0 standard. According toRead More
List of DITA-related Videos (Updated)
One of the great things about YouTube (other than numerous videos of cats) is that if you are looking to learn more about a subject—like DITA XML—there’s plenty of material available for you. George Bina at SyncRO Soft recently sent me a link to several DITA and oXygen-related videos posted online, and I realized thatRead More
Interview with Leigh W. White of DITA for Print
Recently I had the honour and opportunity to interview Leigh W. White, author of the recently-published DITA for Print from XML Press. In addition to having authored this book she also works for the DITA CCMS manufacturer Ixiasoft, working with their clients on configuring the system to their needs, and presumably helping out on theRead More
DITA-FMx Plugin Updated to v.1.1.17
I don’t normally report on “dot dot” releases here, since the changes to any program at this level tends to be minor, but when it has been almost a year since the last significant update, I figure it is worth a mention here. On November 23rd Leximation released an update (v.1.1.17) to their popular FrameMakerRead More