Sample DITA Files

Update October 1, 2018: for a good, fairly comprehensive and freely downloadable set of sample DITA documents, I highly recommend checking out the list on the OASIS DITA Adoption website, compiled by Stan Doherty. Depending on what you are looking for, these files are great for learning more about the practical aspects of using DITA.Read More

Books on DITA XML

Here’s a book list I’ve compiled — from the most recent to the oldest — on all of the titles I can find that talk  exclusively about DITA XML: Practical DITA by Julio Vazquez (October 6, 2009)  112 pages; also available in print or as downloadable PDF from (note that the version from Lulu.comRead More

DITA Online Forums

Here is a listing of online forums I have been able to track down about DITA: DITA Users Group on Yahoo: A very active group which has been around since mid-2004. Good both for the beginner as well as experienced writers, and is monitored by several very senior people in the DITA community, including manyRead More