Just came back from hearing Ann Rockley’s keynote presentation of the 2011 conference. This was the first time I have had the opportunity to hear her speak at a conference, and she gave a good presentation that was aimed at firms that are considering the move to DITA or some other type of structured authoring.Read More
March 23rd SDIG Webinar: An Insight into the Benefits of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
Tomorrow’s always-free Semiconductor’s DITA Implementer’s Group (SDIG) webinar features star presenter JoAnn Hackos along with Harold Trent from Comtech, the organization best known for organizing the Content Management Strategies/DITA conferences. It starts on Wednesday, May 04, 2011 10:00 AM-11:30 AM Central Time (US & Canada), which is 11:00AM-12:30PM in the Eastern Time Zone. The linkRead More
Interview with Jang F.M. Graat
Recently DITAWriter.com got in touch with Jang F.M. Graat to talk with him about his thoughts on DITA, the role of FrameMaker and whether DITA is too complicated for its own good. He runs Jang Communication which is based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Jang F.M. Graat holds Masters Degrees in Psychology and Philosophy and has workedRead More
March 23rd SDIG Meeting/Webinar: Specializing for Simplicity, DITA for Hardware and How Much Do You Need an Information Architect?
The March SDIG meeting/webinar (happening today, March 23rd!) will be an open discussion on these topics: • Specializing for Simplicity • Can you really use DITA for Hardware? • Do you really need an Information Architect? The meeting will start at 8:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time. Phone bridge: 916-356-2663, Bridge: 2, Passcode: 4718579 Live Meeting:Read More
Contact Info for Next SDIG Presentation
The next free Semiconductor DITA Implementers Group (SDIG) talk, “Create once, Approve Once, Re-Use many Times!” from presenter John Walker will happen Wednesday, February 23, 2011 starting at 10:00 am and running until 11:30 am (both times EST). Here’s the contact information for attending this virtual presentation: Location: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/freescale Toll-free: +1 (800) 867-1147 Participant code: 3230710Read More
Next SDIG Talk on Reuse Challenges
Here’s information on the next Semiconductor DITA Implementor’s Group (SDIG) talk, scheduled to take place on February 23rd: Title: Create once, Approve once, Re-Use many times! Abstract: Once of the biggest challenges in the digital era is how to get consistent, current and correct information to the customer on-time and in multiple channels. For semiconductorRead More
DITA Constraints Presentation
For reasons relating to work and incidentally for a presentation I am working on for the Baltimore DITA conference in April, I am trying to learn the practicalities of implementing DITA constraints. (For a list of the reasons why constraints are good, see this nice summary on Tagsmiths). Am currently plowing through the pertinent sectionRead More
Book Review: DITA 101, 2nd Edition
First of all, I need to say that this book is not aimed at me. I have been using DITA XML as a technical writer and manager now for over five years, so I am well past needing a “101” lesson in DITA. That said, I think I am qualified to comment on whether aRead More
Semiconductor DITA Implementor’s Group (SDIG) Webinar this Wednesday
While aimed primarily at those working within the semiconductor industry, the Semiconductor DITA Implementor’s Group (SDIG) hosts good (and free!) Webinars aimed at writers and managers who are already using DITA in production. Better yet, we’re not trying to sell you anything — just trying to share experiences and talk about emerging best practices. I’llRead More
DITA 1.2 Specification Ratified
In an announcement that could easily be missed in all of the hubbub of the impending holiday season, I just saw the announcement made yesterday that the DITA 1.2 specification has officially been ratified. The press release is rambling (with “a status that signifies the highest level of ratification” mentioned twice in the same paragraph)Read More