While browsing through the XML and DITA-related discussions on LinkedIn, I ran across a good post by Joe Gollner about the “why” argument about doing things in XML (as opposed to some other, proprietary format). He also dug up what I think is an exceptional presentation he did called “The Reason and the Passion ofRead More
Upcoming DITA Books
As DITA matures there are more books being written on the subject, aimed at technical writers looking to learn and use it effectively. There are a number of “first generation” titles already out, and I think it’s about time that we see some new entries in the marketplace. Here are some upcoming titles that IRead More
DITA Metrics Articles
When I was trying to figure out the best ways to measure the type of output that my group produces, I found most of what I needed online. Here are the sources I found helpful. Useful Pre-DITA Era Articles on Metrics Articles on how to take metrics for technical documentation groups were few and farRead More
Bob Beims on Delivering Docs to Customers in New Formats
This video on YouTube was just pointed out to me by Bob Beims, showing him at some sort of trade show where he is talking about how Freescale is trying to reach out to their customers by giving them the information they need in whatever platform they need it in. Consider that DITA XMLRead More
“What is Localization?” YouTube Video
This has nothing to do with DITA per se, but it is funny. This was a short video shown at the CSOFT 2011 Summit, featuring their Marketing Manager Zach interviewing people on the street in Beijing asking them what they think “localization” is. Can’t help but think that he would get the same reaction inRead More
CIDM Webinar: “DITA Metrics in Production: How, When, Where and Why (and How Much?)”
I am presenting an updated version of the presentation I gave at the Baltimore DITA Conference for the Center for Information-Development Management folks tomorrow. It is called “DITA Metrics in Production: How, When, Where and Why (and How Much?)” and focuses on how to gather DITA-based metrics and use them to focus on quality andRead More
JoAnn Hackos’ Keynote on DITA and Translation Management
Another day of seminars and workshops at the localization summit. There was a new service/product announcement and champaign corks were popped by it’s developers. There was also a good presentation on risk management for localization within the pharmaceutical domain. In the evening there was a light classical music concert, followed by a reception where IRead More
Another “Other DITA”
Just about anyone who has ever done a basic search on “DITA” on Google is bound to have seen images not of finely-honed XML, but of the impossibly curvaceous figure of burlesque artist Dita von Teese, former wife of Marilyn Manson. When talking to Bill Hackos he phrased it as a joke, asking me ifRead More
Avoid Doing a “Hail Mary” Pass when Doing a DITA Implementation
Am in Beijing, attending a localization summit hosted by CSOFT International. I did a presentation on future development plans my company is doing, and how localization factors into how we reach out to our customers. (DITA did get a mention, but it wasn’t the focus of the presentation). Prior to my presentation were those byRead More
SDIG Presentation: The DITA-Enabled Language Service Provider
The next SDIG free Webinar presentation will be of interest to anyone who has their DITA-based content localized. The presentation on Wednesday (starting at 10am CST) will be presented by Donald A. DePalma, Ph.D., who is the Chief Strategy Officer and Founder of Common Sense Advisory, Inc. a firm dedicated helping both buyers and vendorsRead More