Update January 27, 2012: Have changed the table info so that it is driven from a database — now you can sort and search the content of the tables, as well as seeing the full listing of tools in the survey. The folks at self-selection bias are running their annual survey of the type ofRead More
Webinar on the DITAToo FrameMaker-based Content Management Solution Now Available
Late last month Adobe hosted a free webinar that looked at an intriguing solution for using FrameMaker content in a Content Management System using a client known as iG5 Authoring Tools. This product originally came out of the tool developers over at iG5 Authoring Tools, which is a site which collects together the many add-onsRead More
DITAinfo Site Uses Open Source CMS to Display DITA
Ran across this on LinkedIn: the DITAinfo.info site has been updated with a good assortment of sample DITA code. Run by Anna van Raaphorst Johnson and Dick Johnson, the site is a mix of structured DITA topics and unstructured, informal content being run off of a Drupal-based open source content management system. In terms ofRead More
SDIG Webinar on Automating FrameMaker to DITA Migration Now Available for Viewing
DITA Europe Conference[/caption]Now that the http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/YHDCTmuGJwgZG06_MI0VrSOZvoSamNbkElg0K6FOt-oOgPUE1ccllxtQzmtXAadK3IsTk6sUBLo9Cko1HGa3og/Presentations/2011-10-19%20SDIG%20presentation has passed, the Semiconductor DITA implementor’s Group (SDIG) are now able to release the slide-deck and recording of the “Automating FrameMaker to DITA Migration” session Webinar. It had been embargoed at the request of the presenters, who were giving a version of that presentation at the conference. Here areRead More
Upcoming Free DITA 1.2 Webinars/Tutorials from DCL and Mekon
Data Conversion Laboratory and Mekon are partnering to do a set of three free Webinars/interactive tutorial sessions relating to DITA 1.2. I’ve been impressed with the previous sessions these folks have done, and I plan on attending these myself. Here’s what they plan to talk about and when: DITA 1.2: Keys and Conkeys – Wednesday,Read More
“DITA Best Practices” is Now Out
Update: I’m being given a copy of the book to review, so look for a review here sometime in the near future. At the beginning of this week a new book on DITA came out: DITA Best Practices, by Laura Bellamy, Michelle Carey and Jenifer Schlotfeldt. It’s subtitle nicely captures what it is about: “ARead More
Congility Releases Free Webinars on DITA and Related Topics
While looking for information on when and where the next Twelve DITA Implementations: Lessons Learnedconference will be (still no updates on that front as yet), I found that they have posted a series of free-to-download webinars on DITA, content management and related topics. It’s a solid set of subjects from some leading people in theRead More
October 19th SDIG Webinar: Automating FrameMaker to DITA Migration
The next free Semiconductor DITA Implementer’s Group (SDIG) webinar happens tomorrow (Wednesday, October 19th) starting at 11am EDT. This month’s presentation is a case study of how Sterling Commerce used automation tools (from Stilo) to migrate their existing FrameMaker-based content to DITA XML. This presentation is aimed at those contemplating content conversion from FrameMaker toRead More
Customer Feedback in Technical Docs Using DITA
Update November 10th 2011: The poor audio in the original version of the YouTube version of the presentation has been fixed, and all references to it below have been updated to point to the new link. While at the Congility conference earlier this year, I attended a great presentation (one of many at that conference)Read More
Semiconductor DITA Implementer’s Group (SDIG) is Back!
The SDIG folk are back after a summer hiatus, starting off with an open discussion of information development issues that people are facing in their DITA implementation. Basically we are looking for some good discussion as well as some ideas that you would like us to tackle for future presentation. Bob Beims will kick offRead More