Last Thursday I delivered a keynote presentation called “DITA Today and Tomorrow” at the Ixiasoft DITA CMS Conference. It went over well, despite some technical glitches involving a faulting projector cable at the beginning. 😉 I was asked by Ixiasoft’s CEO Éric Begeron to provide the presentation on this topic, which gave me a greatRead More
DITAWriter to Deliver Keynote at DITA CMS Conference
The folks at Ixiasoft have invited me to give the keynote presentation at their first-ever DITA CMS User Conference which is happening later this week in Montreal, Canada. The talk is called “DITA Today and Tomorrow” and will focus on the current state of the portion of the technical writing community that has embraced DITARead More
DITA-OT Development Team Hosts Usage Survey
Sorry I haven’t posted for a while — have been fiendishly busy developing and teaching a customized course on DITA and a CMS to folks in the U.K. and India on behalf of Mekon. Am on a brief break before I head to Montreal for a conference (more on that tomorrow!) and then on toRead More
“The Rainmaker, The Cloud and The Downspout” – Keynote Presentation at CMS/DITA North America
I had the real honour this morning to give the keynote presentation at the Content Management Strategies/DITA North America conference in La Jolla, California this morning. Titled “The Rainmaker, The Cloud and The Downspout” I talked about DITA metrics, what I have found in my survey of who and where DITA is being used, andRead More
Countdown to the Content Management Strategies/DITA North America Conference
There’s just a few days to go before the big Content Management Strategies/DITA North America Conference in La Jolla, California. Am looking forward to presenting the keynote talk there, and to meet with other people in the industry and learn about the latest developments in DITA and technical documentation practice in general. I have learnedRead More
Some Thoughts on DITA-based Technical Writing Metrics
I liked a recent post on technical communications metrics on the the Mark Lewis blog recently, and while I don’t agree with the conclusion (any metric based on word counts and a subjective evaluation of quality is problematic IMHO) it did get me thinking about the topic of documentation metrics in general. I have doneRead More
Who is Using DITA?: DITA Usage by Industry Sector (Update)
(This article was originally published in CIDM Information Management News for March 2012. It is an update to a previous article by the same name on this site). It all started innocently enough with a simple question asked in a LinkedIn forum. I was looking for more information on companies that were using DITA forRead More
Sample DITA-Produced Output
Update: new VMTurbo example (and link to info relating how it is produced) added July 11, 2014. If you are looking for examples of DITA-produced output, this list is for you. In my initial survey of Companies Using DITA, I found that while many firms are using DITA XML in their documentation efforts, the majorityRead More
DITA Company Listing Mk. III
Following the last article here that looked at the worldwide distribution of the firms and organizations that are using DITA, I have just re-launched an expanded version of the Companies Using DITA page that includes the geographic location of the city and country for a given organization’s HQ. There are now almost 250 companies listed,Read More
Where in the World is DITA Being Used?
As a teaser for the upcoming “Mark III” version of the Companies Using DITA page, which will not only be expanded from the current list but will also include the locations for the HQ of each company/organization shown, I thought I’d give a preliminary glimpse as to what the geographic distribution of DITA use isRead More