DITA Online Forums

Here is a listing of online forums I have been able to track down about DITA:

  • DITA Users Group on Yahoo: A very active group which has been around since mid-2004. Good both for the beginner as well as experienced writers, and is monitored by several very senior people in the DITA community, including many of the OASIS DITA committee members
  • dita.xml.org forum: While not as active as some of the other forums listed here, this is a good place to go if you are looking to address some fairly high-level questions (for example, questions on map or topic architecture that a Document Architect might be interested in) as well as on the mechanics of actually writing in DITA XML. Also has a separate job board listing for those who are looking for work in the field.
  • FrameMaker DITA Group on Yahoo: another long-running group on Yahoo, focusing specifically on using DITA from within FrameMaker. Not run by Adobe, instead it is a private effort from a group of dedicated users. Worth keeping tabs on if you are using FrameMaker with DITA.
  • XMetaL and DITA Group on Yahoo: Another Yahoo online forum, this one aimed specifically at XMetaL users. It’s been around since early 2007, and  provides steady though not overwhelming traffic.
  • DITA Awareness Group on LinkedIn: Currently the most popular DITA forum on LinkedIn, with regular postings from a users spanning a wide range of expertise. As with everything on LinkedIn, also good for professional networking purposes.
  • Facebook DITA Group: Not a lot of traffic on this forum, but worth checking out if you are already on Facebook.

As I am aware of other/new groups, I will come back and add them to this list.


"DITAWriter" is Keith Schengili-Roberts. I work for AMD as a Senior Manager for Technical Documentation, and have recently helped usher in a new company-wide DITA-based CCMS. And I like to write about DITA and the technical writing community. To get ahold of me you can email me at: keith@ditawriter.com.

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