Last month Anders Svensson proposed setting up a dedicated Q&A forum specific to DITA XML on StackExchange. He suggested this to members of the popular DITA-related forums on Yahoo and LinkedIn, and people responded enthusiastically to the idea. The staging area is called “Area 51” and is still in the developing stage, having finished gatheringRead More
Category: News
Information Architecture Presentation at the École normale supérieure in Lyon, France
Earlier today I delivered a presentation called “The Evolution of Information Architecture” at the Colloquium on Information Architecture being hosted by the École normale supérieure in Lyon, France. The presentation ran for just under an hour, followed by a half hour of good questions, primarily from the students who are taking the Master’s program inRead More
Interesting Preliminary Results in Legacy-Content-to-DITA Survey
The folks at DITAToo have been running a survey asking people how they convert their legacy content over to DITA. The preliminary results are interesting if not terribly surprising: the vast majority of users are converting their content over from Unstructured FrameMaker, and after that, from Word: From the structure of the survey questions itRead More
“Companies Using DITA” Listing Tops 300 Firms/Organizations
I just finished doing an overdue update to the popular “Companies Using DITA” listing, which now surpasses 300 firms and organizations, ranging from Abbott Laboratories to ZTE. This is likely still just the tip of the iceberg, as it is evident to me as I continue my research that there are many other companies andRead More
“DITA Today and Tomorrow” – Keynote Presentation from the Ixiasoft DITA CMS Conference
Last Thursday I delivered a keynote presentation called “DITA Today and Tomorrow” at the Ixiasoft DITA CMS Conference. It went over well, despite some technical glitches involving a faulting projector cable at the beginning. 😉 I was asked by Ixiasoft’s CEO Éric Begeron to provide the presentation on this topic, which gave me a greatRead More
DITAWriter to Deliver Keynote at DITA CMS Conference
The folks at Ixiasoft have invited me to give the keynote presentation at their first-ever DITA CMS User Conference which is happening later this week in Montreal, Canada. The talk is called “DITA Today and Tomorrow” and will focus on the current state of the portion of the technical writing community that has embraced DITARead More
DITA-OT Development Team Hosts Usage Survey
Sorry I haven’t posted for a while — have been fiendishly busy developing and teaching a customized course on DITA and a CMS to folks in the U.K. and India on behalf of Mekon. Am on a brief break before I head to Montreal for a conference (more on that tomorrow!) and then on toRead More
“The Rainmaker, The Cloud and The Downspout” – Keynote Presentation at CMS/DITA North America
I had the real honour this morning to give the keynote presentation at the Content Management Strategies/DITA North America conference in La Jolla, California this morning. Titled “The Rainmaker, The Cloud and The Downspout” I talked about DITA metrics, what I have found in my survey of who and where DITA is being used, andRead More
"DITAWriter" Will Be the Keynote Speaker at Content Management Strategies / DITA North America 2012
I’ve known about this for a while now, but it has now been officially announced: I will be giving the keynote presentation at the upcoming Content Management Strategies/DITA North America conference happening April 23-25, 2012 in La Jolla, California. My presentation is called “The Rainmaker, The Cloud and The Downspout: Keeping Your Content Relevant inRead More
“DITA Best Practices” is Now Out
Update: I’m being given a copy of the book to review, so look for a review here sometime in the near future. At the beginning of this week a new book on DITA came out: DITA Best Practices, by Laura Bellamy, Michelle Carey and Jenifer Schlotfeldt. It’s subtitle nicely captures what it is about: “ARead More