Books on DITA XML

Here’s a book list I’ve compiled — from the most recent to the oldest — on all of the titles I can find that talk  exclusively about DITA XML:

Not out just yet but worth keeping a look out for when it is published sometime later this year is DITA Specialization by Zarella Rendon from XML Press.

A worthy addition to this list is Louise Kasemeier’s free 76 page PDF DITA for Solo Writers (2007) which looks into the basics of installing and using the DITA Open Toolkit.


"DITAWriter" is Keith Schengili-Roberts. I work for AMD as a Senior Manager for Technical Documentation, and have recently helped usher in a new company-wide DITA-based CCMS. And I like to write about DITA and the technical writing community. To get ahold of me you can email me at:

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