Another blog site I’d like to point out to people interested in all things DITA is the one run by former work colleague of mine Graydon Saunders which he calls “Dubious Prospects“. Though focused mainly on his recreational photographic pursuits, there are over a dozen great articles collected together here on various aspects of doingRead More
Month: May 2010
“Damn You and Your Ontologies!” Some Thoughts on Folksonomies and DITA

I attended several interesting presentations while I was at the CMS/DITA 2010 Conference in Santa Clara, but one conversation I had while down there stands out from the rest, especially in terms of its implications. I met with a former work colleague and friend who now works for Google down in The Valley. I askedRead More
Multi-language Capabilities for DITA Does Not Come for Free

One of the main ROI arguments made for moving to DITA is the significant localization cost reductions that can be had: basically the more languages you output to, the better the ROI. It is worth noting though that multi-language capabilities does not come for free, as there are some one-time costs associated with going downRead More